The time to act for the future is now!

There is perhaps nothing as challenging as trying to look into the future, but we need to be prepared so as not to be taken by surprise.  When it comes to the International Island Games Association and the NatWest Island Games it is difficult to predict the future.  So far the Games has successfully grown from an infant in 1985 into adulthood today.  In order to build on this success we are now looking into the difficult alternatives for both controlling and developing the Games.  To achieve these aims a questionnaire has been produced and circulated to the Membership, which will be followed by a report from the Executive Committee in the spring and proposals will be brought to the Annual General Meeting next summer for discussion.

Next year our 25 Member Islands will meet for the NatWest Island Games in the Isle of Wight.  This event will be the largest multi-sport event in Britain that year!  Our Host Island is now in the final stages of preparation and it is our duty as Members of the IIGA to help with the organisation in whatever ways we can.  I would therefore like to remind everyone of the deadlines agreed at the AGM in Aland 2009:

  • At least 7 months before the Opening Ceremony the Organising Committee shall distribute to all Member Islands confirmed prices for transport within the Island, accommodation and food. (See Operational Guidelines Section 5 - Invitation, Responses and Forms - clause 5.4)
  • A Games Fee of 25 GBP shall be paid in sterling to the Host Island for each Team Official and Competitor (not includng Technical Officials) at least 6 months prior to the Opening Ceremony of that Games i.e. the estimated number of team members.  If the number of team members reduces below the estimated number the Games Fee previously paid is forfeited to the Host Island.  If the number increases beyond the estimated number the Games Fee for the additional number will be 35 GBP, payable 2 months prior to the Opening Ceremony.  The total of Team Officials should not exceed 20% of the total number of competitors.  Any additional Team Officials will have their Games Fee decided by the Host Island Organising Committee.  (See Operational Guidelines Section 10 - Entries and Games Entry Fees - clause 10.2.1)

On behalf of the Executive Committee I wish you all the best with your preparations and ask that you do everything in your power to help our Host Island put on a very successful Games.

Jorgen Pettersson

IIGA Chairman