Warm Welcome from the People of Isle of Wight

Monday 27th June - the second day of real competition. The Isle of Wight showed it's very best side on Saturday and Sunday. At the General Team Managers meeting held early on Sunday morning all of the Member Islands applauded the organisers of the Opening Ceremony - the Isle of Wight Organising Committee.  This was indeed well deserved. Thousands and thousands of people lined the streets and their welcoming of the athletes was overwhelming. The work that everyone, children and parents alike, put into the carnival parade was beyond understanding. The party could have continued all night if the competitors had not had to return to their cabins and bed to get their very necessary sleep. 

The people of the Isle of Wight, young and old, are to be congratulated for a very generous and inspiring welcome of the NatWest Island Games.

Today is a new day of competition - what to see and when to watch can be found here:www.natwestiowresults2011

Jorgen Pettersson

IIGA Chairman