Good planning makes a difference

Our friends from Shetland have, since the launch of the first Inter-Island Games in 1985 patiently and seriously developed sport within their island. With only 22,000 inhabitants they have showed us all that it is not numbers that make the difference. It is the commitment and the leadership that inspires our people. Shetland took on the organisation of NatWest Island Games in 2005 then followed that with even more effort on their Sports Development Scheme. Today we can clearly see the success in their work. Shetland is planning to send their largest team ever to NatWest Island Games in Jersey 2015. With an estimated 165 competitors and officials Shetland will surely be one of the largest islands in the largest multisport event in Britain 2015. This is truly impressive and inspiring for everyone else. Sport makes a difference and contributes to raising youngsters to grownups with confidence in themselves.

Well done Shetland!  You are well organised, you are strategic and willing to work hard. It will be a pleasure to see you all next summer! Please read more about Shetland and their All Time High-numbers here.

Jorgen Pettersson
IIGA Chairman