It takes two to tango but many more to deliver such a fantastic event as NatWest Island Games. We all have great memories from that wonderful week of sport which took place in Åland this summer. The organising committee and volunteers produced an excellent organisation. Even God himself took part, having the sunshine in mind and if you don't believe that, remember the tears that fell from heaven at the closing party....... The Åland Islands will so miss you a lot!

The outcome of NatWest Island Games in Åland goes further than a bunch of new Games Records and memories that will live for ever. At the AGM the Membership showed great enthusiasm and responsibility towards future Host Islands in promising to be more accurate with their provisional numbers and paying the Accreditation Fee 6 months beforehand. That was a necessary step towards the future of the Association. Thank you all for your understanding approach.

For the moment the IIGA-family is stronger than ever. We have three islands planning to bid for the 2015 Games onwards. Gotland and Jersey are preparing themselves for a battle for 2013 while Menorca has indicated their will to stage the event in 2017 or later. That means we are well on our way to continue building bridges between our islands and bringing them closer together.

At the same time, on behalf of IIGA, I want to extend my thanks to the member islands for showing great confidence in the work of the Committee. I also want to officially welcome our new Honorary Legal Adviser, Ms Gillian Christian onboard. Yes, this is the same woman that captained the Isle of Man Ladies Football Team to a bronze medal at the Games - Congratulations on that!

Please bear in mind that whatever you want to discuss with the Executive Committee, feel free to contact the office in Isle of Man or any of the members. We are there in order to help you.


Jorgen Pettersson