Farewell 2009!

In many ways it feels very strange to realise that next year will be 2010 - 10 years into the new millennium!  When the Inter-Island Games first happened in 1985 the year 2000 was a long way off in the future, but as usual the years came and went and suddenly the NatWest Island Games, Gotland in 1999 was upon us.  Now we look forward to the NatWest Island Games in Isle of Wight in 2011 - who would have believed it!

Our amazing Organisation has grown from strength to strength throughout these years. Everyone involved has gained many fantastic memories and many life-long friends from all over the world. Together we have showed that friendship has nothing to do with distance. As  long as we share the same values and believe in friendly, but fierce competition there will always be someone else out there listening.

On behalf of the Executive Committee I wish you all the best for Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

When we meet in Isle of Wight next summer we have a few very interesting questions to discuss, not least of them the Host of the 2015 Island Games - will it be Gotland or Jersey?

I look forward to seeing you all then.

Jorgen Pettersson

IIGA Chairman