Dick Ekstrom

Island: Aland
IIGA History:
Executive Committee:
Member 1985 – 1989
Vice Chairman 1989 – 1991
Chairman 1991 – 1995
Honorary Life Member Since 1995
Co-opted Member 2007 – 2009
Games attendance: 1985 -2017
Contribution to the IIGA:
Dick was the Team Manager for Aland at the inaugural Inter-Island Games in the Isle of Man in 1985 and was elected to the Executive Committee at the first business meeting held at the end of the Games. He was re-elected at the AGM in Guernsey during the 1987 Games and became Vice Chairman in 1989 during the Games in the Faroe Islands. Dick was Chairman of the Organising Committee in his native Aland for the 1991 Games which strongly emphasised the 'friendly' nature of the Games. He was instrumental in introducing the Water Ceremony into the Games in 1991 which became a very important tradition of all future Games. Following the very successful 1991 Games he was elected Chairman of the IIGA Executive Committee serving from 1991 - 1995 when an Honorary Life Membership was bestowed on him for his outstanding contribution to the IIGA.
Dick was again Chairman of the Organising Committee when the Games successfully returned to Aland in 2009 and was again instrumental in the construction of the Games Fountain as a permanent Memorial to the 2009 Games. Each of the 24 Member Islands of the Association had sent a stone to be cemented into the Fountain which was offically opened during the Games.